Hi everyone,

So here I am again, pouring out my heart to you . I wrote a poem about love. I have to warn you though, I have minimal experience in this area, so everything I have written here are just opinions coming from  limited experience. It may not be exactly accurate or explicit. So for us who have truly experienced true love, I would love to read about your experience in the comments section.  Alright…here we go.

  • What is love?

Is it a feeling? Is it a choice?

Do you have control over it? Is there a balance of power?

Can you keep your heart in check when it greatly cries out for something?

Can you fill that void with something else?

What is love?

Is it that deep , intense emotion which tears your heart apart when you don’t hear from Him?

Or is it that intense feeling of joy you get when you finally talk to her?

Is it that feeling of completeness you have when you are with him?

When it seems like with her, you can do anything.


Is love that hollow feeling you have when you don’t feel His presence?

Is it that heavy heart you have when it seems like  he has drifted?

Or is it that acute feeling of relief you get when she finally calls your name?

Is it the peace you have when she is with you?

What is love?

It has been spoken about, sung about, written about

Man’s greatest need; His greatest hunger

Man’s greatest gift yet his greatest weakness

Nothing physical, yet its absence is total emptiness.

It can never be adequately described

Can never be sufficiently expressed

It can only be experienced

And when you do, you will know

What is love?

Love is vulnerability; Love is pain

Love is sacrifice; giving up of yourself

Love is indescribable; Love is unreasonable

Love is irrational yet so pure

What is love?

Love is where there seem to be better options,

There seem to be other alternatives,

Plenty of reasons why you should leave,

But like a leech, you are stuck on this one.

Love is trust; Love is believing

Love is being vulnerable even at the risk of a broken heart

Love is acceptance even before repentance

Love is kindness even when hurt

Love is leaving all you have in search of one.

Love is inexhaustible; Its the greatest power in the world

An oasis of peace for all mankind

And what joy! How happy is the one

Who truly rests in the bosom of true love.

29 thoughts on “STRINGS FROM MY HEART

      1. True love is from the Spirit. Cos love is of God. And you don’t describe it through your emotional feelings. Love is natural, but the one that love must tolerate, accommodate, always forgive and forget. to believe and see the best in others. It’s a commitment, cos is not selfish but selfless!!


  1. Fantastic writeup.
    I want to love too o lol.
    This about sums up what love means and I think that when one finds love,he/she will know. Its never confusing


  2. Great piece,

    Love is indeed a choice accompanied with the emotional highs u described but its is never all about the emotional shinanighans… Emotions, feelings can betray u, giving certain conditions and circumstances those feelings can repeal but what keeps u going is d choice u have made, love is commitment, a decision to be unconditionally committed to an imperfect person. That is Love


  3. Great piece,

    Love is indeed a choice accompanied with the emotional highs u described but its is never all about the emotional shinanighans… Emotions, feelings can betray u, giving certain conditions and circumstances those feelings can repeal but what keeps u going is d choice u have made, love is commitment, a decision to be unconditionally committed to an imperfect person. That is Love


  4. Love is a mystery whether physical- filo etc or spiritual -Agape, that its fullness is only known in living, expressing,sharing and experiencing it, in its original purpose of its dual nature of VISIBILITY wic is DIVISIBLE and INVISIBILITY wic INDIVISIBLE, when we truly know Him who is d author of luv and then d tripatized xteristics of d dual nature of luv- ORIGINAL SOLITUDE, ORIGINAL UNITY AND ORIGINAL NAKEDNESS.

    NOTE, Uche d foregoing do not undermine your thoughts cos they are just as correct too. Nice…. Love is what everyone should experience cos its AWESOME.


  5. Love is GOD and GOD is love. As a child of God, love would come naturally to you because u are born of GOD. I.e born of love. See 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 for the true meaning of love.


  6. Mehn, reading every one’s definition of love here has been really eye opening. A commenter said “love is a decision to be unconditionally committed to an imperfect person”. That sums it up . True love transcends the realm of feelings and emotions and butterflies. True love is really a choice, a decision. Thanks everyone for your comments. It has been really refreshing.


  7. To a very great extent this article captures substantially the true definition of love. Love has no single definition suitable for all intents and purposes it means different things in different spheres of our everyday life. contradictory as I may sound love is not being stupid, love is having power to control emotions, love is knowing when to walk away even when it hurts, love is been patient. The lack of love is the reason for a myriad of societal problems we experience today. Let Love Lead….


  8. I laugh with the way the word goes these days.. “LOVE”.. They call it in vain.. Many couple live and die together with kids and still there where never love between them.. Do you know what is love? Love is more amorphous than art, more single-minded than science, and more philosophical than philosophy itself? Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, only with what you are expecting to give, which is everything. If I should write my own experience it will be more of a tale and interesting to read.. But it was my misery.. Love take the whole of you.. Your inner feeling is being controlled only by what you think is best for her.. And there are outside things to back up the inside feeling, like looks in the eye, tender notes in the voice, little favors and kindnesses; this is all real evidence…when you are truly inlove you can catch more than a grenade for her..Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction… Let me stop here because this thing about love is endless.. True love is all we need.. That’s human purpose in life.. Is to find someone to love.. I love this article when I read it.. Heads up uchay.. Kingsley akpikpi wrote..


  9. Yeah!Can we say i say love is divine?the operations of it sometimes leaves man bewildered?or how we explain LindaIkeji’s story on ‘the world’s tiniest bride’


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